Tuesday, January 11, 2005

blinding lights

i went cross country skiing this weekend. i was so stoked about it-- it was only my second time ever, and the first time this season. gorgeous weather, lots of snow, beautiful trail. perfect. yeah, until about half way when the trail became this hideous series of hills. suddenly the snow was way too deep, i didn't have enough wax on my skis and i was soaked with sweat and melting snow. staying upright was becoming too much of a challenge for the experience to be even remotely fun anymore. after awhile the only thing i could say was a variation of "fucking fuck shit. fuck." after falling for the 11th time i almost starting crying, i was so tired and pissed off. the snow was so deep i kept getting stuck and losing my balance. and it was getting dark.

thankfully, the payoff at the end of the day was a ridiculously expensive meal at the new restaurant in town. very french, lots of crepes and fantastic wine. so, of course, i drank my face off just to spite the fact i was paying $12.00 a glass. later on in the evening i was gambled off in a poker game (which was a lot more fun than skiing, i might add.) i passed out on my room mate's bed for 2 hours when i awoke to a house full of very young people who kept asking "do you have any beer" over and over again. i had no choice but to stay up until 9am "entertaining." sometimes i genuinely don't know how these things happen.

as penance for my debauchery, i joined a gym today. we'll see how long this lasts. . .

1 comment:

JSN KWD said...

cross-country skiing is a big pain in the ass.