Saturday, February 05, 2005

no place like home

so around 5:30 this morning i woke up to this weird noise. it sounded like french fries just when they're dumped in the deep fryer at A&W. it didn't seem right. i got up and there was an odd smell coming from from the heating vent in my room. so i went downstairs and discovered that the hot water pipe had burst in the laundry room. water was spraying everywhere and it was coming into the kitchen. i woke up my room mate who was sleeping soundly 2 feet away from the waterpark that had been developing for god knows how long. he called the downstairs neighbour (susan) to get her to shut off the water valve, but her daughter answered the phone and said that she was sleeping. well, no fucking kidding. so were we, until we realized that we had a serious problem. my room mate went downstairs and shut it off because they couldn't figure out how to do it. for some reason the furnace decided to stop working at about the same time this was all going on. i think susan shut it off by mistake when she was mucking around with the water valve. at any rate we've been without water and heat since this morning. no fun. the heat is back on, but the house reeks of oil.

the plumber is now here. i can hardly wait to have a shower.

i was supposed to go dog sledding this morning, but i really can't do anything unless i'm able to shit and shower beforehand, so i guess it'll have to wait. plus, it's fucking cold outside:-45 C. plus, i'm exhausted and hung over. at least it's sunny outside.

i went to a concert last night. an aquaintance had an extra comp ticket so he invited me along. neither of us was really familiar with the band. i really didn't enjoy it that much--the guitarist was being a total anal bitch. she kept giving direction to the sound guy:"more of my guitar in the main sound. way more. way, way more. more of my vocals and less of hers. more of my guitar in my monitor and less of the fiddle. way, way less. . . " and on and on. it was getting uncomfortable. she kept making these big hand gestures and shooting irritated looks to the sound booth after each song had started. i understand the desire to get things right, but she was being so ungracious about it. perfection is meant for studio recordings, i think. a few glitches that the audience is unaware of during a live performance is par for the course. plus, there are better ways to suggest sound changes, like passing a message to a stage hand to take to the sound booth, rather than yelling across the venue in the middle of the show. it was incredibly irritating.


Bummer said...

Why are you not posting? I post. I comment. You must do the same!! What, you got a life or something??

Bummer said...

word. Why no more posts, my Sweet? If you need to feel better about yourself, you can always see what i'm up to-
You know what else though- when Jason showed up 2 years ago, it was the highlight of my year- I don't think he has a clue, but also, you will be the highlight of my 2005, so you have to feel pretty good about that, even if it is just me.

Bummer said...

At work today I was bored, so I decided I would call every gift shop in Whitehorse until I found you. I gave up though. I called about 5 and I was annoyed that there were so many damn gift shops in stupid Whitehorse.

Bummer said...

At work today I was bored, so I decided I would call every gift shop in Whitehorse until I found you. I gave up though. I called about 5 and I was annoyed that there were so many damn gift shops in stupid Whitehorse.