Monday, December 27, 2004


well thank god that's over with. x-mas wasn't really horrible or anything, it's just that's it's always a bit of a let down. there's too much build up even if you stay outside of the wal-mart/consumerism x-mas vortex.

however, i did get a bottle of crown royal at a gift exchange. thank you baby jesus.

jane says i'm done with sergio/ he treats me like a ragdoll. . .i'm gonna kick tomorrow/ i'm gonna kick tomorrow. . .
i haven't heard that song in ages. the first time i heard it i was in high school and i didn't know anything about what jane's addiction was talking about (or anything else for that matter.) unfortunately, it was one of those meanings i sort of grew into. but only peripherally-- my ex-boyfriend has a bit of a drug problem. every now and then i would meet people, "friends" of his, that would remind me of this song. looking back on those days is not something i do very often-- it makes me feel sick. all that wasted time, all the little compromises i made that eventually turned me into someone else entirely.

i think i should see a horror film tonight. speaking of drugs, i've got some fabulous hash. i called my friend's radio show last night when i was high-- i thought it was funny, but i'm not sure it actually was. i don't remember what i said. possibly something about how pets are like high maintenance room mates. and stuff.

now i have to think of a way to deal with new year's eve.

1 comment:

JSN KWD said...

you did mention something about high maintenance pets, then there was some light comedy when i said i had laryngitis and you thought i said "meningitis." (i think it was hard for you to hear me because i pressed the wrong button trying to get the phone on the air. also, i had laryngitis.)