Saturday, December 09, 2006

shut up, hole

my dad and i took my mom shopping for clothes today. my mom is both hilarious and infuriating. she has cancer, and during the course of her treatment complications arose which affected her mind. her memory and perception of reality have been, shall we say, compromised. anyway, she is easily tired and frightened, especially when there are lots of people around. we were trying to get her to try on some clothes and she started getting really bitchy, saying things like, "well, you don't have to kiss her ass. she's a shopgirl and she's supposed to kiss your ass." it's embarassing and hysterically funny. the best was when she called my cousin a "pricky weasel." my dad bought me toilet paper and dental floss as a thank you. bonus. i made sure to get extra soft royale tp, not that scratchy, one-ply welfare butt torture that looks like a good deal, but makes you cry yourself to sleep. or something.

so, the transition to regina has hit a low. i'm a bit depressed now that the novelty of being here has worn off. feeling at bit stuck and scared of various things that haven't bothered me for awhile. but, i think i'm on the way to getting it under control for the most part. i just got back from the gym, and i'm actually going out to socialize with people tonight. yay for me.

1 comment:

Bummer said...

I have had very, VERY strong feelings about 1 vs 2 ply toilet paper for quite some time now. Damn 1-ply to hell!!!! We are not barbarians!!!