a "few" years ago i did a lot of peeing in public places. this was on my birthday: a harrowing night of mushrooms and "treasure" hunting. i got tired of pissing in the bushes so i switched to these comfy concrete trash receptacles. . .
in other news, i spent the majority of last night writhing in agony on the couch. i seriously wanted to kill myself. i found out today that bit of fun is called "dry socket." exposed nerves from the extraction of my teeth. i was warned about "dry socket" but i figured i was safe since i have been religious about salt water rinses, no straws and no smoking. that's right, folks. i haven't had a cigarette in 5 days. i think i've quit, and that's the only good thing about this whole experience. i went back to the dentist today and she stuffed some clove goo into my "dry socket" and like magic, i feel no pain. now the other side of my mouth is starting to hurt and i have to go back. the receptionist advised me to bring a book because there's going to be a long wait. why am i so retarded? there's no way i'm not going, though. after last night's extreme torture i'd rather swallow broken glass than feel "dry socket" again.
hmmm. i think my perogies have been sufficiently over-boiled, so i must now eat them. soft food. . . .
never swallow broken glass.
I remember this night and this photo. It was total greatness, in disguise. The treasure hunt... what more can I say?
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